Some links to questions in the past paper database:


MCQ Exam Qns

Structured Exam Qns

SHM + Thermal Physics



Energy & SHM


SHM Energy

Resonance & damping

resonance and damping

resonance and damping

Wave Characteristics and Wave Properties



Electrical pd



Electrical pd - ohms law and resistivity

ohms law and resistivity

ohms law and resistivity

Circuits - internal resistance

internal resistance

internal resistance

Circuits - ideal V & A + potential divider

ideal V & A + potential divider

ideal V & A + potential divider

Electricity summary


current electricity

Forces and Fields - Newtons universal G + g field strength

G force and field

G force and field

Forces and Fields - Coulombs law + electric field strength

E force and field

E force and field

Magnetic Fields

B force and field

B force and field

Atomic & nuclear - the atom & nuclear structure

Atomic & nuclear

Atomic & nuclear structure

Radioactive decay & half life

Radioactive decay & half life

Radioactive decay & half life

Nuclear reactions - binding energy - fission / fusion

Nuclear reactions - binding energy - fission / fusion

Nuclear reactions -
binding energy -
fission / fusion

IB only


Energy & climate change - degredation and power generation



World energy resources - (non)renewable, energy density & advantages and disadvantages


Fossil fuels - nuclear


Fossil fuels - nuclear

Solar - hydroelectricity - wave energy


Solar - hydroelectricity -
wave energy

Greenhouse effect


Greenhouse effect

Global warming

Energy & climate change

Energy and Climate Change

AS & A2 Resources

Significant Figures

Accuracy & Precision

Dealing with Errors

adding or subtracting errors

multiplying or dividing errors

raising a number to a power

Straight Line Graphs

Gradient of a Curve

Errors Using Graphs

Use of ICT

Coursework marking criterion



example coursework

Multiple Choice

June 1993