Calculating speed, distance or time

Use the formula    Speed = Distance to answer these questions.



1.   A runner covers a distance of 120 metres in a time of 80 seconds. What is the runner’s speed ?

2.   A car travels 2.35 km in a time of 1.4 minutes. What is the car’s speed in m/s ?

3.   A snail covers 6.8cm in 4 minutes. What is the snail’s speed in km/h ?

4.   How many minutes would it take a ship travelling at 16 m/s to cross the English Channel at its narrowest point (21 miles) ?

      Data : 1 km = 5/8 mile

5.   A car is initially travelling at 20 m/s. In a time of 10 seconds it reaches a new speed of 50 m/s.

      How far would the car have travelled in this 10 second period ?