Random Formula 

Each time you load this page the numbers in the questions will be different.

1.  A bus goes metres between stops in seconds.  Calculate it's average speed

2.  A train has an average speed of m/s.  If the distance is m, what is the time taken?

3.  A cyclist goes on a second journey.  Their average speed is m/s.  What distance did they travel?

4.  A car accelerates from m/s to m/s in seconds.  Calculate it's acceleration.

5.  A van accelerates from m/s to m/s in seconds.  Calculate it's acceleration.

6.  A van accelerates at m/s2 from an initial velocity of m/s in seconds.  Calculate it's final velocity..

7.  A car has a mass of  kg.  If it is accelerated at  m/s2 calculate the driving force needed.

8.  A motorbike has a steady acceleration of  m/s2.  Calculate the mass of the bike if it needs a driving force of  N

9.  On Earth an object has a mass of   kg.  Calculate the weight of the object.

10.  On another planet the acceleration due to gravity is   m/s2.  If an object has a mass of   kg.  Calculate the weight of the object on this planet.

11.  On Earth an object has a weight of  N.  Calculate the mass of the object.

12.  On another planet an object has a weight of   N.  If it has a mass of   kg calculate the acceleration due to gravity on this planet.

13.  A light bulb is attached to a battery with a voltage of  V.  If it has a current of  A flowing through it - calculate its resistance..

14.  Another bulb is attached to a power supply with a voltage of  V.  If it has a current of  A flowing through it - calculate its power.

15.  Another bulb has a power rated at W.  If it is used for s calculate the energy converted.

16.  A hi-fi has a power rated at W.  If it passes Joules of energy how long was it used for?

17.  A heater has a power rated at kW.  If it is used for hours calculate the units of energy consumed?
kilowatt hours.

18.  A hairdryer has a power rated at W.  If it is used for minutes calculate the units of energy consumed?
kilowatt hours

19.  A tumble dryer has a power rated at kW.  It is used for hours a week.  If electricity costs  pence per kilowatt hour, calculate the cost of the electricity consumed each week?

20  An electric generator produces a voltage of  V.  If it has power rating of  W calculate the current it can produce.

21  An food mixer passes a current of  A and is used for  seconds.  Calculate the charge flowing through the appliance.

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