(a) Recall of formula:                                                                                                                                      

     Speed =  frequency  ΄ wavelength                                                                                                             1                    1

     Substitution of figures and correct answer                                                                                                  1                    1

     = 1000 ΄ 0.34

     = 340 (m/s) 


(b) Correct rearrangement or recall of formula

     Wavelength = speed/ frequency                                                                                                                1                    1

     Correct substitution of figures and correct answer                                                                                      1              

     = 1300/1000

     =1.3 (m)


(c) Understanding that 0.2s is return so 0.1s is time to shoal                                                                             1  

     Recall of formula        distance =speed ΄ time                                                                                            1              

     Correct substitution of both speed and time                                                                                                1                    1

     =1300 ΄ 0.1                                                                                                                                                 

     =130m                                                                                                                                                     1                         1


(d) Sounds greater than 20,000 Hz (20kHz) higher frequency                                                                           1              


(e) Monitoring babies/ Cleaning small parts                                                                                                      1                    1




TOTAL  / 10






(a) Any two reasons:                                                                                                                                                                 

     Same speed.

     Travel through a vacuum.

     Only accept transverse waves if also written of electric and magnetic fields.                                                2                             2


(b) Ultra violet-any value between X-rays (5x 10-10)

     and Visible (5 ΄ 10-7)                                                                                                                                1                             1

     Infra red-value between 10-4 and 5 ΄ 10-7                                                                                                                                   1                                   1

     Do not accept a value close to microwaves.


(c) Gamma rays (a small wavelength means a large frequency)                                                                        1


(d) Recall and rearrangement of the formula to give                                                                                         1

     Frequency = Speed/Wavelength

     = 6 ΄ 1017 (Hz)                                                                                                                                         1                             1


(e) Recall and rearrangement of the formula to give                                                                                         1

     Distance = Speed x time                                                                                                                            

     Conversion of 8½ minutes to seconds = 510seconds                                                                                   1

     = 1.53 ΄ 1011 (m)                                                                                                                                      1                             1

     Or =153,000,000,000 (m)


                                                                                                                                                TOTAL  / 10






(a) (i)    distance  =  speed /time                                                                                                                                                

            =  340 / 0.7                                                                                                                                       1                                  1

            =  485.7 or 486 m / 2                                                                                                                         1                             1

            =  243 m                                                                                                                                           1                                  1


(ii)      time is too short to measure accurately                                                                                                  1                    1

          difficult to clap and time                                                                                                                       1                           1


(iii)     have second person timing                                                                                                                    1                           1

          time several claps and echoes                                                                                                               1                           1


(b) (i)    speed  =  frequency x wavelength                                                                                                      1                         1

            =  150 000  ΄  110                                                                                                                             1                             1

            = 16 500 000 m/s                                                                                                                              1                             1


(ii) 16 500 000 / 340                                                                                                                                       1                             1

     =  48 529 times                                                                                                                                         1                   



TOTAL  / 12






(a) (i)    light shining from above                                                                                                                     1                             1

            white screen under tank                                                                                                                    1                           1

            shadows of ripples appear on screen                                                                                                  1                         1


     (ii)    by using a stroboscope or slit disk                                                                                                       1                         1

            waves appear to stop                                                                                                                        1                             1







(b) (i)    at right angles to it                                                                                                                             1                             1











                   direction of travel                                                                                                                       1                             1

                   wave fronts                                                                                                                               1                                  1


     (iii)   60o to normal                                                                                                                                    1                                  1


(c) (i)    2 cm                                                                                                                                                1                                       1


     (ii)    10 / 4                                                                                                                                               1                                       1

            = 2.5 cycles / sec                                                                                                                              1                             1


     (iii)   2.5 ΄ 2                                                                                                                                             1                                       1

            = 5 cm/s                                                                                                                                           1                          

TOTAL  / 14








(a) pitch                                                                                                                                                        1                                       1


(b) (i)    placing fingers on them                                                                                                                      1                           1


     (ii)    becomes higher                                                                                                                                 1                             1


(c) using tightening screws at end of neck                                                                                                       1                    1


(d) frequency  =  velocity / wavelength                                                                                                           1                         1

     =  330 / 1.3                                                                                                                                              1                                  1

     =  254 Hz                                                                                                                                                 1                                  1


(e) they are an octave apart                                                                                                                           1                           1



TOTAL  / 8






(a) (i)    Resonance                                                                                                                                       1                                  1


     (ii)    Two from

            Pushing a swing, picking up certain frequencies on radio,

            increasing sound volume in wind instrument                                                                                        2                    2


     (iii)   Two from

            bridges collapsing in wind,  singers shatter glasses,

            seats rattling on bus                                                                                                                           2                             2


(b) higher frequency vibrations in conjunction with main one                                                                             1  


(c) (i)    Increasing the amplitude of a wave                                                                                                    1                         1

            causes its volume to increase                                                                                                             1                           1


     (ii)    high pitched notes have high frequency                                                                                               1                    1

            and shorter wavelength                                                                                                                     1                             1


     (iii)   main frequency has overtones                                                                                                            1                           1

            number & strength of overtones determines quality                                                                             1  






TOTAL  / 12










(a) sound pulse released by boat hits fish                                                                                                         1                         1

     returns to ship quicker than hitting bottom                                                                                                   1                    1


(b) sound passed through mother’s abdomen                                                                                                   1                    1

     reflects from baby and shows shape                                                                                                          1                         1


(c) ultrasound causes vibrations                                                                                                                      1                           1

     breaks scale from teeth                                                                                                                             1                           1


(d) picture of joint built up                                                                                                                               1                           1

     shape of fault shows up                                                                                                                            1                           1



TOTAL  / 8







(a) (i)    membrane in ear drum                                                                                                                      1                           1

            vibrates with same frequency as sound                                                                                               1                    1


     (ii)    fluid filled tube                                                                                                                                  1                             1

             transmits vibrations to nerve endings                                                                                                  1                         1


(b)help person to balance                                                                                                                               1                             1

     by sending reference information to brain                                                                                                   1                    1


(c) sound to ourselves transmitted through bones                                                                                             1              

     others hear sounds through the air                                                                                                             1                         1


(d) aid picks up vibrations                                                                                                                                                           1

     and passes them through skull bones                                                                                                          1                         1



TOTAL  / 9








(a) Vibrations/ oscillations                                                                                                                              1                           1

     Squash/ compress and/ or stretch/rarefact air                                                                                             1                    1        Layers/ Energy travel to ears                                                                                                                                     1

     Layers/ Energy travels to ears                                                                                                                   1


(b) Recall of formula

     Speed = frequency ΄ wavelength                                                                                                               1                         1

     Substitution of figures and rearrangement                                                                                                   1                    1        Wavelength                                                                                                           = speed/frequency


     =0.75m or

     =75cm                                                                                                                                                     1                                       1


(c) (i)    Smaller 1                                                                                                                                                                         1

            Same frequency (same no. of peaks)                                                                                                 1                         1


     (ii)    Wavelength reduced                                                                                                                         1                             1

            Exactly half the wavelength (twice no.of peaks on screen)                                                                  1  


(d) Loud sounds damage hearing (destroy hairs in cochlea)                                                                              1  

     Long period of time ή permanent damage.                                                                                                1                    1



TOTAL  / 12






(a) (i)    5m                                                                                                                                                   1                                  1


     (ii)    100m                                                                                                                                                1                                       1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


(b) (i)    Between 3-5cm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


     (ii)    Displacement in direction of travel of wave (longitudinal).                                                                    1  

            Squashed up bits and stretched bits

            (compressions and rarefactions).                                                                                                        1                         1


(c) Flicked up and down

     (so displacement at right angles to travel direction).                                                                                    1              


(d) Medium of sound wave is air.                                                                                                                    1                           1

     Medium of light wave is electric and magnetic field/ electromagnetic.                                                          1                                  1

     Air molecules vibrate back and forth

     they collide into other molecules.                                                                                                               1                         1 Energy/ message passed on so that the process repeats                                                                       1              

     Energy/ message passed on so that the process repeats.                                                                             1



TOTAL  / 9











(a)Echo                                                                                                                                                        1                                       1


(b) 300m/s                                                                                                                                                     1                                       1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


(c) 3 seconds                                                                                                                                                 1                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                 


(d) Use of formula speed =distance/time

     to give distance = speed ΄ time.                                                                                                                 1                         1

     900m (allow ECF from part 1b).                                                                                                                1                         1


(e) (i)    Sounds with frequency 20,000 Hz/ above human hearing.                                                                    1                                 


     (ii)    Ultra sound signal transmitted and reflections/

            echoes received.                                                                                                                               1                             1

            Bat can calculate the distance to prey from time delay.                                                                       1  

            Wavelength of reflected signal is increased

            if prey is moving away from bat (or vice versa).                                                                                 1  



TOTAL  / 9







(a) A – crust

     B – mantle

     C – outer core

     D – inner core

     (all correct – 3, 2 correct – 2, one correct - 1)                                                                                            3


(b) (i)   Any two from: -

            Both need a medium to travel.

            Both can be reflected of boundaries.

            Both can be refracted at boundaries.

            Both have increasing speed with depth/ density.                                                                                  2


     (ii)    Any two from:-

            P waves are longitudinal (or equivalent)/ S waves are transverse (or equivalent).

            P waves are faster.

            P waves are more destructive.

            P waves can travel through all parts of Earth.                                                                                     2


(c) (i)    P and S waves                                                                                                                                  1                             1                                                                                                                                                                               


     (ii)    P waves only.                                                                                                                                   1                             1        S waves cannot travel through a liquid.                                                                                                    1          The outer core is a liquid.                                                                                                                                               1                                                                                                                                                            

            S waves cannot travel through a liquid.                                                                                               1

            The outer core is liquid.                                                                                                                     1


(d) P waves make building vibrate up and down                                                                                               1                    1

     P waves are faster so arrive first.                                                                                                              1                         1

     S waves arrive later, shake building from side to side.                                                                                 1


                                                                                                                                                TOTAL  / 14





(a) A – peak                                                                                                                                                 1                                  1

     B – amplitude                                                                                                                                           1                                                                                                                                                                                   1

     C – wavelength                                                                                                                                        1                             1

     D – trough                                                                                                                                               1                                  1


(b) (i)    hertz                                                                                                                                                1                                       1


     (ii)    X – 3 Hz                                                                                                                                          1                                  1

            Y – 1 Hz                                                                                                                                          1                                  1


     (iii)   X – 5 ΄ 3                                                                                                                                          1                                  1

            =  15 cm/s                                                                                                                                        1                                  1

            Y – 15 cm/s                                                                                                                                     1                                  1



TOTAL  / 10






(a) (i)    when he saw the smoke of the gun                                                                                                    1                         1


     (ii)    light travels much faster than sound                                                                                                    1                         1

            the race will have started when he hears the sound                                                                             1


(b) time  =  distance / speed                                                                                                                          1                           1

              =  100 / 330                                                                                                                                    1                                  1

              =  0.303 s  or 0.3 s                                                                                                                          1                             1



TOTAL  / 6






(a) speed  =  distance / time                                                                                                                           1                           1

     =  750 x 2 / 1                                                                                                                                            1                                  1

     =  1500 m/s                                                                                                                                              1                                  1


(b) solids transmit sound better than gases                                                                                                       1                    1

     sound transmitted along string                                                                                                                    1                         1


(c) sound needs a material to pass through                                                                                                      1                    1

     space is a vacuum                                                                                                                                    1                             1


TOTAL  / 7













(a) (i)          






































                   sensible scales                                                                                                                           1                                  1

                   correct plotting                                                                                                                           1                             1

                   correct line drawn                                                                                                                      1                             1


     (ii)    127 dB (+/- 1)                                                                                                                                   1                                  1


     (iii)   no                                                                                                                                                    1                                  1


(b) (i)    Two from

            double glazing, curtains, carpets, plant trees                                                                                        1                    1


     (ii)    uneven, non-reflecting                                                                                                                       1                           1


     (iii)   ear muffs                                                                                                                                         1                          


TOTAL  / 9



















(a) (i)    The string                                                                                                                                         1                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


     (ii)    The drum skin/cover                                                                                                                         1                             1                                                                                                                                                                               


     (iii)   The air inside/ reed                                                                                                                           1                             1                                                                                                                                                                             


(b) (i)    Ultrasound                                                                                                                                        1                                  1                                                                                                                                                                            


     (ii)    frequency – number of vibrations per sec – hertz                                                                                1              

            amplitude – maximum disturbance – meters                                                                                        1                    1

            wave speed – distance one wave travels per sec – m/s                                                                       1  


(c) (i)    Higher                                                                                                                                              1                                       1                                                                                                                                                                                  


     (ii)    Louder                                                                                                                                             1                                       1



            TOTAL  / 9








(a) Oscillate / vibrate / move backwards and forwards / side to side.                                                                1                                  1


(b) (i)    String vibrates / is plucked / made to move/ oscillates                                                                          1                        


     (ii)    The string is plucked harder / with more energy.                                                                                 1                        


     (iii)   Tighter strings                                                                                                                                   1                             1

             shorten vibrating length (by putting finger along neck)                                                                          1


(c) Sound wave travels back & forth, light goes up & down.                                                                            1

     A sound wave has squashed bits (compression)

     and stretched bits unlike light                                                                                                                     1                           1




            TOTAL  / 7







(a) Wavelength = 4cm                                                                                                                                   1                             1

     amplitude = 1cm                                                                                                                                       1                             1                                                                                                                                                                        


(b) Higher  (twice as high) frequency.                                                                                                             1                         1

     Same loudness or energy                                                                                                                          1                           1


(c) Higher frequency (twice as high).                                                                                                              1                         1

     Louder or more energy                                                                                                                             1                           1


(d) Similar wave type but:-

     Waves not as tall (i.e. smaller amplitude)                                                                                                   1                    1

     Wave peaks closer together (shorter wavelength)                                                                                       1  

     twice the number of waves (wavelength exactly half)                                                                                 1  



            TOTAL  / 9






(a) (i)    Unwanted sound.                                                                                                                              1                             1


     (ii)    Dangerous/damage to hearing/ health.                                                                                                1                    1


     (iii )  Stops sounds travelling straight to houses (travels further)                                                                    1        Deflects/ reflects sound energy away from homes.                                                                                         1

            Deflects/ reflects sound energy away from homes.                                                                             1


(b) Changes sound energy to electrical energy.                                                                                                1                    1


(c) Loudness/ amplitude is reduced.                                                                                                                1                         1

     Measured wavelength is longer.                                                                                                                1                         1




TOTAL  / 7