Space |
Earth in space quiz 1 multi choice |
Earth in space quiz 2 multi choice |
The universe multi choice |
Text only multi-choice |
Revision resources |
Space OCR syllabus |
recall the names and properties of bodies in the Universe,
to include: |
- the planets
in the Solar System |
- comets |
- meteors |
- stars,
galaxies and natural satellites. |
explain that the orbit time of a planet depends on its
distance from the Sun. |
explain that the Moon remains in orbit around the Earth, and
the planets orbit the Sun, because of the gravitational attractive forces
between them. |
interpret given information about developments in ideas
about models of the Solar System. |
explain that the orbit period of an artificial satellite
increases with increasing height above the Earth's surface. |
describe the variation in gravitational force with distance.
explain the variation in speed of a comet during its orbit
around the Sun. |
describe how stars evolve over a long time scale from
formation to final state. [Candidates should be familiar with the
following terms: fusion, red giant, white dwarf, supernova, neutron star,
black hole.] |
explain that theories for the origin of the Universe must
take into account that: |
- light from
other galaxies is shifted to the red end of the spectrum |
- the further
away galaxies are, the greater the red shift. |
recognise that one way of explaining this is that: |
- other
galaxies are moving away from us very quickly |
- galaxies
furthest from us are moving fastest. |
explain how knowledge of the rate of expansion of the
Universe enables its age to be estimated. |
explain that there are possible futures for the Universe
depending on the amount of mass in the Universe and the speed at which the
galaxies are moving apart. IT. . |
interpret given information about developments in ideas on
the origin of the Universe. [No recall is expected.] |
discuss how scientists are trying to find evidence for life
on other planets in the Solar System and elsewhere in the Universe. |