Example Quiz 

1.  This a question box for question one the expected answer is "one" 
Remember no capitals in your answer script. 
I moved this down a line by pressing Shift while pressing Return.  I formatted the numbers over to the left, but made the text find its own line by messing around with the Indentation settings under Format --> Paragraph.
A[1] = "one"

2. This is another question box - it's called T2 expected answer is two.  All the question boxes are numbered sequentially.  But they get a different first letter depending on whether they're text, radio or check boxes.
A[2] = "two"

3.  This question has been put into a Table containing one row and four columns.  It can help when you want to make sure you know where stuff is going to appear on screen. I altered the cell properties of the left hand column so the the number 3 was vertically aligned to the top.  This option is easiest to get at by clicking the right hand mouse button over the column.

NOTE that all the radio boxes are called R3.  This is important if you want them to affect each other.  The expected answer is B (which is weirdly the 1st radio button - it's a JavaScript thing - the top radio button is the "zeroth")
A[3] = "1"  to tell it that the B box is the right answer for a a radio box.






4.  This question is using a drop down menu.  I called it D4.  Choose the best answer. 
Drop downs are a bit fussy.  Double clicking on them lets you alter them.  Click on Add and then you MUST tick the Specify Value box - or things get very ugly.
In the Answercheck it's simply handled like a text answer - just include the text correct answer from the menu.  So A[4] = "this is correct"

5.  This question is another drop down called D5 
What colour has the shortest wavelength?  
I've told the script to expect an unusual answer here - but it still works.  It's a shorthand way of doing dropdowns when I'm in a rush - check it out if you want to see what I have done.

6.  This large box is called a scrolling text box.  I altered it's name to S6 and didn't do much else really.  Just pressed Shift + Return before inserting the scrolling text box.
[3 marks]
The expected answers are total internal reflection.  I put "AND" symbols in my answer script. 
A[6]="total & internal & reflection"

7.  Here's another simple text box it will accept a range of equivalent answers.  
A[7]="bend,swerve,refract,curve"  It's pot luck really.  Kids will still think of acceptable keywords that I didn't think of.  Such is life.

8.   These boxes in this question are called check boxes.  They have been a  real pain to get my head around.  They work but mess up the numbering.  Give them all a different name starting with the letter C:

     The idea is that only two of them are required YES and MAYBE.  If the kid clicks on all four then they score zero for that question.  I did this by the following answer script:
A[8] = "1" A[9] = "0" A[10]="1" A[11]="0"

9.  So now our boxes will have out of sequence numbering (which is why I don't much like using check boxes).  This text box includes a hint for kids who need that little bit more.
Q.  Why did the chicken cross the road?

A[12] = "to get to the other side %%to get somewhere maybe?".  The hint text is put right at the end of the answer and the script will know it's there if you use a couple of percent marks.  I don't know I chose %%.  I wanted some digits that would be unusual in normal English.

10.  Numerical answers can be treated just like text if you like.  Occasionally, however, you might want to allow an answer that is correct but is just a little bit out when it comes to decimal places. One easy way of doing this is to stick a "$$n" in front of your allowed answers in the answer script.  Then the answer can be expected to just about whatever decimal place accuracy as you want.  I'm not really sure how this bit works - I stole it from somewhere on the net.  Thanks to whoever.
E.g.  (a) What is 9 / 4 in decimal? = 2.25 obviously but...
are we allowing 2.2? 2.3? 2? 
It's up to you in how you quote your answer. 
A[13]="$$n2.3"  will allow some flexibility, but "$$n2.25" will allow less.

11. Max score:  Sticking a {max2} after a text answer similar to question 6 will allow of maximum of  2 marks for that question.  The kids have the freedom to miss a point and still get full marks. This example is asking for 7 points but stops counting after 5 of them.
Name all the "colours" in the spectrum. (Silly question - there are an infinity of colours)
[max 5]
A[14]="red & orange & yellow & green & blue & indigo & violet & purple & crimson & mauve {max5}"

Press the button to check your answers