Food - digestion revision
When we eat food it passes through these organs in this order:
... anus mouth food pipe stomach large intestine small intestine ... anus mouth food pipe stomach large intestine small intestine ... anus mouth food pipe stomach large intestine small intestine ... anus mouth food pipe stomach large intestine small intestine ... anus mouth food pipe stomach large intestine small intestine ... rectum anus mouth food pipe stomach large intestine small intestine ... rectum anus mouth food pipe stomach large intestine small intestine stomach
(See P. 7 of your book) Digestion is when food is broken down. The chemicals that do this are called ... glucose enzymes glycerol amino acids . When carbohydrates are broken down they are converted into ... glucose enzymes glycerol amino acids . Proteins are broken into ... glucose enzymes glycerol amino acids and fats are broken down to ... fatty acids glucose enzymes glycerol amino acids and ... fatty acids glucose enzymes glycerol amino acids
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