8H Quick Quiz

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1          Which of these is an example of a sedimentary rock?

A       soil

B       sandstone

C       gravel

D       tarmac


2       Which of these sentences best describes a characteristic of all sedimentary rocks?

A       They are porous.

B       They never contain fossils.

C       They are very smooth.

D       They taste sweet.


3       Which sentence best describes the pressure on different layers of rock?

A       The pressure will be greatest on the youngest layer of rock.

B       The pressure will be greatest on the oldest layer of rock.

C       The pressure will be greatest on the middle layer of rock.

D       The pressure will be greatest on the highest layer of rock.


4       Sedimentary rock is formed as grains of rock which get fixed together by:

A       compaction and cementation.

B       squeezing the dry rock grains together.

C       adding clay particles.

D       adding water to the mixture.



1       Rocks are:

A       solutions of minerals.

B       compounds of minerals.

C       mixtures of minerals.

D       elements.


2       The word ‘limestone’ refers to:

A       rocks which all contain sand.

B       rocks which are mainly made of calcium carbonate.

C       hard parts found inside certain green fruits.

D       rocks that do not contain calcium carbonate.


3       Limestones can have different textures because:

A       they contain slightly different minerals.

B       some of them have been weathered.

C       they are made from rock.

D       they are made in different factories.

4       Limestones are carbonate-rich. This means that they:

A       are very expensive.

B       contain a lot of carbonate compounds.

C       are attracted to carbonate compounds.

D       react with carbonate compounds.



1       The word metamorphic means:

A       deposited.

B       crushed.

C       changed.

D       sedimentary.


2       Which of the following statements is true?

A       Marble is formed from limestone.

B       Marble is not a metamorphic rock.

C       Slate is formed from granite.

D       Gneiss is formed from marble.


3       Which statement describes some of the ways in which metamorphic rocks are different from sedimentary rocks?

A       Metamorphic rocks do not contain crystals and are very porous.

B       Metamorphic rocks are softer, more porous and have large grains.

C       Metamorphic rocks may be harder, less porous and have crystals which may be lined up.

D       Metamorphic rocks are softer, less porous and may contain clear fossils.


4       Metamorphic rocks are formed by the effects of:

A       the high pressure and low temperature inside the Earth.

B       the high pressure and high temperature inside the Earth.

C       the low pressure and high temperature inside the Earth.

D       the low pressure and low temperature inside the Earth.



1       Which of the following is an igneous rock?

A       granite

B       chalk

C       slate

D       sandstone


2       Igneous rocks are formed when:

A       magma or lava is put under pressure.

B       magma or lava cools down.

C       magma or lava is heated up.

D       magma or lava evaporate.


3       When an igneous rock is forming:

A       large crystals will form if the magma heats up quickly.

B       small crystals will form if the magma cools slowly.

C       large crystals will form if the magma cools slowly.

D       small crystals will form if the magma evaporates quickly.

4       According to the particle theory, large crystals will form if:

A       the particles have time to collect together before they cool.

B       the particles are kept as far apart as possible.

C       the particles have time to collect together before they melt.

D       the particles cool quickly and don’t have time to move apart.



1       Which of these sentences about the rocks of the Earth is true?

A       The rocks have been exactly the same since it was formed.

B       The rocks changed when the rock cycle started 10 000 years ago.

C       The rocks have always been changing very quickly.

D       The rocks have always been changing very slowly.


2       Which of the following is not part of the rock cycle?

A       respiration

B       weathering

C       rocks getting buried underground

D       volcanoes erupting


3       Evidence that rocks melt during the rock cycle comes from:

A       scientists who think rocks are liquids.

B       observations of erupting volcanoes.

C       experiments to heat lumps of rock.

D       observation of lumps of sedimentary rock.


4       Rocks are weathered by:

A       physical processes only.

B       chemical and physical processes only.

C       biological processes only.

D       biological, chemical and physical processes.