9C Quick Quiz
1 Where does photosynthesis occur in a rose bush? A in all the parts B in parts R and S only C in part R only D in part Q only |
2 Plants often turn some of the food they
make into another substance for storage.
The name of this substance is:
A glucose. B starch.
C fibre. D pasta.
3 Which of these shows the correct word equation for photosynthesis?
A glucose + carbon dioxide ® water + oxygen (+ energy)
B glucose (+ energy) ® oxygen + glycerol
C water + carbon dioxide (+ energy) ® glucose + oxygen
D chlorophyll + carbon dioxide ® water + glycogen
4 Aerobic respiration is a process which:
A stores chemical energy in food.
B makes food for plants living under water.
C does not happen in plants but only in humans when they exercise hard.
D releases energy from food.
1 Leaves are often wide so that they can:
A absorb as much sunlight as possible.
B catch as much rain as possible.
C provide shelter for animals living under them.
D float to the ground when they drop in autumn.
2 Gases get into and out of a leaf by:
A diffusion. B absorption.
C conduction. D convection.
3 Look at this list of substances.
glucose fat cellulose protein
Which of these substances can plants make?
A glucose and cellulose only
B glucose, cellulose and fat
C glucose, cellulose and protein
D all of them
4 Plants need cellulose to:
A store energy.
B repair damaged cells.
C make cell walls.
D make cell surface membranes.
1 The picture shows a cell from a root. What is it called? ![]() A xylem cell B root cortex cell C root palisade cell D root hair cell |
2 If plants do not get enough water they start to:
A shrink.
B grow towards the light.
C grow bigger roots.
D wilt.
3 One important type of mineral salt is:
A nitrate. B sodium chloride.
C clay. D loam.
4 Water is carried up a plant in xylem tubes. What else do xylem tubes carry?
A glucose B fibre
C mineral salts D pollen
1 The atmosphere is about:
A 80% oxygen and 20% nitrogen.
B 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen.
C 80% carbon dioxide and 20% oxygen.
D 80% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide.
2 Look at these chemical processes.
photosynthesis respiration burning fuels
Which of these processes add carbon dioxide to the air?
A respiration and burning
B respiration only
C photosynthesis and respiration
D burning only
3 Plants are important in keeping the atmosphere in balance because:
A they use up oxygen.
B they use up carbon dioxide.
C they provide food for animals and humans.
D they use water.
4 Which of these would not be a disadvantage of cutting down forests?
A Logging companies could make more profits.
B There would be fewer trees to keep the atmosphere in balance.
C Some species might become extinct.
D Floods might wash away the soil.