9D Quick Quiz

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1       Choose from the following list the correct products of photosynthesis.

A       water and carbon dioxide

B       glucose and carbon dioxide

C       glucose and oxygen

D       water and carbon dioxide


2       In plants starch is used:

A       to make flowers colourful.

B       as a store of energy.

C       to absorb water from the soil.

D       to make leaves green.


3       In human food chains, plants are important because:

A       they are primary consumers.

B       they are secondary consumers.

C       they are herbivores.

D       they are producers.

4       Starch is part of a balanced diet because:

A       it is needed for strong bones and teeth.

B       it helps the digestive system remain healthy.

C       it is a source of energy.

D       it is needed for growth and repair of cells.



1       Which of the following is a mineral salt contained in fertilisers?

A       nitrate

B       carbonate

C       oxygen

D       hydrate


2       Farmers add fertilisers to soil because crop plants need mineral salts:

A       to help absorb water.

B       for healthy growth.

C       to germinate their seeds.

D       to produce nectar.


3       Weeds are:

A       plants that compete with crops.

B       plants that are grown to produce fruit.

C       extremely rare plants.

D       plants that help crops to grow.


4       Farmers can control the growth of weeds by spraying them with:

A       fertiliser.

B       insecticide.

C       fungicide.

D       herbicide.



1       A pest is:

A       an insect that pollinates flowers.

B       an animal that provides manure for farmers.

C       an important crop plant.

D       an organism that damages crops.


2       Which of the following is an example of a pest in action?

A       a ladybird eating an aphid

B       an owl eating a dormouse

C       an aphid feeding off a rosebush

D       a woodmouse feeding off bramble


3       Farmers use pesticides to:

A       help crop plants absorb more water.

B       reduce the number of pests.

C       provide mineral salts for crop plants.

D       increase the number of pests.


4       Which of the following could be a problem caused by using pesticides?

A       They can affect more organisms than the farmer intends.

B       They cause plants to grow too slowly.

C       They can cause plants to grow too quickly.

D       They can cause soil erosion.



1       Which of the following environmental conditions will not increase the rate of photosynthesis in a crop plant?

A       well-watered soil

B       warm weather

C       bright sunshine

D       windy weather


2       Photosynthesis is important for plant growth because the more food that is produced:

A       the more energy that can be used for growth.

B       the greener the plant becomes.

C       the more that can be stored in the roots.

D       the more colourful flowers that can be produced.


3       Which of these will not change the temperature inside a greenhouse?

A       opening ventilation flaps

B       using a paraffin heater

C       pumping in extra carbon dioxide

D       using blinds

4       Which of the following is not an advantage of growing crops in greenhouses?

A       Heaters can be used in winter to increase the temperature for photosynthesis.

B       Extra carbon dioxide can easily be added to the crop plants.

C       The crop plants need to be provided with less fertiliser.

D       Artificial lighting can be used in the winter to provide more light for photosynthesis.