Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: States Of Matter
Text Box: Lesson No: 1
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: NA
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – Classify materials into solid, liquid and gas knowing some of their properties
SK – The properties of solids, liquids and gases. The words dense, density and property
CK – How the uses of liquids are related to their properties. 
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Return of marks from last test and short introduction to topic.
Introduction practical
Pupils to use W/sheet 7Ga/1, simply answer the questions.
3 stations to be set up to relieve congestion.
Discussion / Class Work
Discuss results of practical so all results agree.
Back this up with pupils using W/sheet 7Ga/2. 
Pupils have 3 columns in their books with the 3 states and fill
in the properties off the sheet.
Ask the pupils if they can think of any substance that is both 
solid and liquid? (syrup, plasticine)
Use W/sheet Ga/3 to group some of the materials.
Using W/sheet 7Ga/4 some up what the pupils have learnt.
Choosing a child to answer a space in turn for example.
Check pupils for any misconceptions.
Text Box: Homework: One metal is a liquid at room temperature. What is it and 3 uses.
                        (Mercury for less able pupils)
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Ga 1-4.
Three sets of identical collections of solids, liquids and gases. Solids to include solid in a syringe, Liquid to include a number of beakers so liquids can be poured, gases to include syringe with sealed end and bag tied with air in it                 
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Don’t eat the resources?!
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
20 min
10 min
10 min
15 min
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: IN THEORY
Text Box: Lesson No: 2
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – Ideas and theories in science based on observation. 
SK – Theories used for predictions and can be tested, ideas change based on new evidence. The words data, prediction, dilute, vacuum.
CK – How ideas about vacuums and air pressure developed.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Explain the difference between theory and observation.
Introduction practical
Each child is given a copy of W/sheet 7Gb/3 
without the cards relating to Chris’ sore throat, Ben’s
homework and the funny smell. First they are to 
separate the cards into observations and theories.
      Once they have done this ask them to discuss in a group what could
      have happened. Then give out the remaining cards and ask if they 
      wish to reconsider their theory. The answer is Ben knocked the 
      sandwich down the radiator while doing his homework, Chris was
      not hungry because of the sore throat.
Class Practical
Carry out W/sheet 7Gb/1 answering the questions. There are further
questions on W/sheet 7Gb/2 for more able pupils. If you want. 
(Not on req. sheet.)
Question and answer.
Page 80 – 81 Pupils Book. 
Plenary : Question and answer on what learny, common misconceptions.
            Go through questions relating to what they have learnt. Sort out
            any misconceptions.
Text Box: Homework: Scheme of work outlines that pupils should know the differences between
dissolving in hot and cold water. Pupils to make two cups of coffee one with cold water one 
with hot. Watch them dissolve while watching TV and record their observations.
Text Box: Resources: 1g/litre Potassium manganate solution.
Class set test tubes, test tube racks, 10ml measuring cylinders, dropping pipettes.
Class set W/sheet 7Gb/1 - 3
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Potassium manganate is harmful and will stain skin and clothes.
Text Box: Timing:
5 mins
15 mins
20 mins
10 mins
10 mins
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES 
Text Box: Lesson No: 3
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Introduce particle theory. Developed over a period of time, ideas
            modified as new evidence collected. All substances made of 
            particles bonding between the particles effects whether they are
            solid liquid or gas. Use ice, water and steam as example both same 
Draw 3 states of matter on the boardworks for the pupils to copy down
also in book. Just the models. Diffusion later.
Describe differences and how properties effected. 
Children as model –      Solid : close together linked
                                    Liquid : touching but moving
                                    Gas : random movement, little interaction
   Complete W/Sheet 7Gc/4
 questions p82 –83 pupils book.
Class practical
Heat up ice in a beaker (with small amount of water!) to boiling.
            Ask pupils to think what is happening in the beaker as it heats up.
            What is the difference between cold water and hot water?
            Answer is particle vibration. All particles in all states are vibrating.
Plenary – Sum up what the pupils have learnt.
Bring together all that has been learnt. 
            More able pupils will be able to link evaporation and expansion 
            of solids to vibration of particles.
Text Box: Homework: Find out who was Robert Brown and what he did.
                     More able W/Sheet 7Gc/5. (not photocopied)
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gc/4 .
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Class set beakers, ice, tripods, burners, thermometers               
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Hot water.
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
 20 min
10 mins
20 mins
5 mins
















































































































































































Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES 
Text Box: Lesson No: 3
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Introduce particle theory. Developed over a period of time, ideas
            modified as new evidence collected. All substances made of 
            particles bonding between the particles effects whether they are
            solid liquid or gas. Use ice, water and steam as example both same 
Draw 3 states of matter on the board for the pupils to copy down
also in book.
Describe differences and how properties effected. 
Children as model –      Solid : close together linked
                                    Liquid : touching but moving
                                    Gas : random movement, little interaction
Complete W/sheet Gc/3 (less able) W/sheet Gc/4
Also questions p82 –83 pupils book.
Class practical
Heat up ice in a beaker (with small amount of water!) to boiling.
            Ask pupils to think what is happening in the beaker as it heats up.
            What is the difference between cold water and hot water?
            Answer is particle vibration. All particles in all states are vibrating.
Plenary – Sum up what the pupils have learnt.
Bring together all that has been learnt. 
            More able pupils will be able to link evaporation and expansion 
            of solids to vibration of particles.
Text Box: Homework: Find out who was Robert Brown and what he did.
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gc 3 –4 .
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Class set beakers, ice, tripods, burners, thermometers               
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
20 min
10 mins
20 mins
5 mins
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES (PART 2)
Text Box: Lesson No: 4
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Go over what was learnt last lesson. Pupils could draw particle models
in back of books as mini test.
Class work
Complete W/sheets 7Gc/1 and W/sheet 7Gc/2. 
Go through answers children have got. 
Good opportunity to outline difference between observations
and theories again. 
  If you want you could then demonstrate Brownian motion with 
TV microscope (see MDB/MJH). Students can draw what they saw 
in their books and try to explain it in their own words. Brownian –            
Discuss how great scientific discoveries are always been altered 
and changed as peoples understanding of the world around them
Text Box: Homework: 
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gc 1-2
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Straw, TV microscope, laptop projector?                     
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Text Box: Timing:
5 mins
20 mins
25 mins
10 mins


















































Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES 
Text Box: Lesson No: 3
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Introduce particle theory. Developed over a period of time, ideas
            modified as new evidence collected. All substances made of 
            particles bonding between the particles effects whether they are
            solid liquid or gas. Use ice, water and steam as example both same 
Draw 3 states of matter on the board for the pupils to copy down
also in book.
Describe differences and how properties effected. 
Children as model –      Solid : close together linked
                                    Liquid : touching but moving
                                    Gas : random movement, little interaction
Complete W/sheet Gc/3 (less able) W/sheet Gc/4
Also questions p82 –83 pupils book.
Class practical
Heat up ice in a beaker (with small amount of water!) to boiling.
            Ask pupils to think what is happening in the beaker as it heats up.
            What is the difference between cold water and hot water?
            Answer is particle vibration. All particles in all states are vibrating.
Plenary – Sum up what the pupils have learnt.
Bring together all that has been learnt. 
            More able pupils will be able to link evaporation and expansion 
            of solids to vibration of particles.
Text Box: Homework: Find out who was Robert Brown and what he did.
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gc 3 –4 .
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Class set beakers, ice, tripods, burners, thermometers               
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
20 min
10 mins
20 mins
5 mins
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: AROMA ROAMER
Text Box: Lesson No: 5
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – Substances can move one place to another without external force acting on them
SK – What is diffusion. Gases diffuse quicker than liquids. Explain in terms of movement of particles.
CK – Difference between diffusion and other forms of mixing. Calculate speeds.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
At the beginning of the lesson place a bottle of ammonia at the front 
of the classroom. Go over what was learnt last lesson. Pupils should 
start to smell the aroma, use this as starting point for discussion.
Class practical
Complete W/sheet 7Gd/2. (Marmite does not work!)
Good chance to tell pupils about range of results, repeats 
            and fair tests. Exact temperatures are hard to obtain.
·        Teacher demonstration.
Demonstrate ammonia and hydrochloric acid diffusion experiment
as W/sheet 7Gd/4. The cloud should form closer to the hydrochloric 
acid because it has a mass about double that of ammonia. 
·        Class Work
            Pupils can complete W/sheet 7Gd/4.
·        Plenary
            Discuss what has been learnt.
            Use examples such as cooking bacon, or fish and chips to 
            reinforce the ideas.
Text Box: Homework: 
W/sheet 7Gd/5
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gd 2,4 & 5
Bottle ammonia. 
Class set – 250ml beakers, water, Bovril, stop clock, thermometer, ruler.                      
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Hot water
Text Box: Timing:
5 mins
30 mins
5 mins
15 mins
5 mins


















































Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES 
Text Box: Lesson No: 3
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Introduce particle theory. Developed over a period of time, ideas
            modified as new evidence collected. All substances made of 
            particles bonding between the particles effects whether they are
            solid liquid or gas. Use ice, water and steam as example both same 
Draw 3 states of matter on the board for the pupils to copy down
also in book.
Describe differences and how properties effected. 
Children as model –      Solid : close together linked
                                    Liquid : touching but moving
                                    Gas : random movement, little interaction
Complete W/sheet Gc/3 (less able) W/sheet Gc/4
Also questions p82 –83 pupils book.
Class practical
Heat up ice in a beaker (with small amount of water!) to boiling.
            Ask pupils to think what is happening in the beaker as it heats up.
            What is the difference between cold water and hot water?
            Answer is particle vibration. All particles in all states are vibrating.
Plenary – Sum up what the pupils have learnt.
Bring together all that has been learnt. 
            More able pupils will be able to link evaporation and expansion 
            of solids to vibration of particles.
Text Box: Homework: Find out who was Robert Brown and what he did.
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gc 3 –4 .
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Class set beakers, ice, tripods, burners, thermometers               
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
20 min
10 mins
20 mins
5 mins
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: AROMA ROAMER 2
Text Box: Lesson No: 6
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives: 
MK – Substances can move one place to another without external force acting on them
SK – What is diffusion. Gases diffuse quicker than liquids. Explain in terms of movement of particles.
CK – Difference between diffusion and other forms of mixing. Calculate speeds.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
What was learnt last lesson.
Class Practical
Complete practical on W/sheets 7Gd/3 
Go through answers children have got.
Good opportunity for use of predictions and practical write ups 
Good opportunity to teach graph drawing in science.
note - experience says pupils can not draw graphs in science 
It may be worth preparing graph paper, axis with scales already on.
·        Class work Exploring Science 7 page 84-85
·        Plenary
Go over pupils’ answers to questions sorting out any misconceptions
Text Box: Homework: 
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gd/3 
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Class set –can of fizzy drink, balance (0.01g), stop watches                   
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Text Box: Timing:
5 mins
40 mins
10 mins
5 mins


















































Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES 
Text Box: Lesson No: 3
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Introduce particle theory. Developed over a period of time, ideas
            modified as new evidence collected. All substances made of 
            particles bonding between the particles effects whether they are
            solid liquid or gas. Use ice, water and steam as example both same 
Draw 3 states of matter on the board for the pupils to copy down
also in book.
Describe differences and how properties effected. 
Children as model –      Solid : close together linked
                                    Liquid : touching but moving
                                    Gas : random movement, little interaction
Complete W/sheet Gc/3 (less able) W/sheet Gc/4
Also questions p82 –83 pupils book.
Class practical
Heat up ice in a beaker (with small amount of water!) to boiling.
            Ask pupils to think what is happening in the beaker as it heats up.
            What is the difference between cold water and hot water?
            Answer is particle vibration. All particles in all states are vibrating.
Plenary – Sum up what the pupils have learnt.
Bring together all that has been learnt. 
            More able pupils will be able to link evaporation and expansion 
            of solids to vibration of particles.
Text Box: Homework: Find out who was Robert Brown and what he did.
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gc 3 –4 .
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Class set beakers, ice, tripods, burners, thermometers               
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
20 min
10 mins
20 mins
5 mins
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: WHAT A GAS
Text Box: Lesson No: 7
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – The word pressure. What air pressure is. Effects of air pressure
SK – Air pressure increases with a smaller container or more gas particles. The word 
CK – Materials expand on heating. The words expand and contract.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Go over what was learnt last lesson. 
Teacher Demonstration.
Blow up a balloon. Discuss what gives it it’s shape. Try to get over the
idea of many collisions of particles giving a large force. Pressure.
Draw diagram from book.
Pupils can be given their own balloons to work out their own theories.
·        Teacher Demonstration.
Collapsing can. Heat up a can with a couple of drops of water in it.
Then turn the can over and place it (open ring pull first) into some cold
water. The can will collapse because when the can is heated particles
escape from the can, it doesn’t collapse because the particles that
remain move quicker. Once the can is put in cold water the remaining
particles slow down and the pressure from outside the can crushes it.
Draw diagrams in books
·        Class work.
Exploring Science page 86-87 answer questions.
Discuss what has been learnt and any misconceptions    
Text Box: Homework: 
Revion for test next lesson
Text Box: Resources: 
Balloons, cans, bucket of water.
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Text Box: Timing:
5 mins
20 mins
15 mins
      15 mins
5 mins


















































Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES 
Text Box: Lesson No: 3
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box:  
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
20 min
10 mins
20 mins
5 mins
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES (PART 2)
Text Box: Lesson No: 4
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box:  
Text Box: Timing:
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: BITS AND PIECES 
Text Box: Lesson No: 3
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
MK – All materials made from particles. Their arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.
SK – Relative strengths of bonds in 3 states. How particle theory explains the  properties. The words bond and vibrate.
CK – Use particle model explain evaporation and expansion.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
Introduce particle theory. Developed over a period of time, ideas
            modified as new evidence collected. All substances made of 
            particles bonding between the particles effects whether they are
            solid liquid or gas. Use ice, water and steam as example both same 
Draw 3 states of matter on the board for the pupils to copy down
also in book.
Describe differences and how properties effected. 
Children as model –      Solid : close together linked
                                    Liquid : touching but moving
                                    Gas : random movement, little interaction
Complete W/sheet Gc/3 (less able) W/sheet Gc/4
Also questions p82 –83 pupils book.
Class practical
Heat up ice in a beaker (with small amount of water!) to boiling.
            Ask pupils to think what is happening in the beaker as it heats up.
            What is the difference between cold water and hot water?
            Answer is particle vibration. All particles in all states are vibrating.
Plenary – Sum up what the pupils have learnt.
Bring together all that has been learnt. 
            More able pupils will be able to link evaporation and expansion 
            of solids to vibration of particles.
Text Box: Homework: Find out who was Robert Brown and what he did.
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set of W/sheets 7Gc 3 –4 .
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Class set beakers, ice, tripods, burners, thermometers               
Text Box: Timing:
5 min
20 min
10 mins
20 mins
5 mins
Text Box:  
Text Box: Lesson Title: SUMMING UP
Text Box: Lesson No: 8
Text Box: Unit Title: PARTICLE THEORY
Text Box: Unit No: 7G
Text Box: NC Ref: SC3
Text Box: Objectives:     
Do well in test.
Text Box: Lesson outline:
·        Numerous revision possibilities including
Group work
Sudden death tests
p88-89 Exploring Science 7
Board works KS3 Solids, liquids and gases.
·        Complete tests.
Text Box: Homework: 
Text Box: Resources: 
Class set Exploring Science 7.
Text Box: Risk Assessment:
Text Box: Timing: