Lesson No: 6 Unit Title: Solutions Unit No: 7H
Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5

Lesson Title: Dyeing for juice            NC Ref:  Sc3 1h

- What chromatography is, how to make a chromatogram, how it is used to
separate colours in inks.
- How chromatography works, what it is used for, what a chromatogram is.
- Applications of chromatography — DNA fingerprinting.

Lesson outline:

  • Review separation techniques covered so far using slip / sudden death tests.

  • We have looked so far at how to separate solute from solution, solvent from solution. Sometimes more than one solute is dissolved in a solvent and we need to know what solutes are in the solution. Ink is an example of a solution made up from many solutes (dyes). Students will have done this before at feeder schools.

  • Practical — Students to do some chromatography with a selection of inks. SS58 (or how you would like to do it) shows students the general set up.

  • After doing this with inks, get them to try it with biro. Let them find out for themselves that it won’t work. Get them to try again using ethanol instead of water.

  • Exploring Science P98 — 99 and 7Hd/1 and 7Hd/6


  • MK — Chromatography separates the dyes in inks. We can tell what dyes make up ink by looking at the colours on chromatogram. 7Hd/1

  • SK — Each dye is different in its solubility. As the solvent spreads out, the least soluble gets left on the paper nearest the centre while the most soluble will stay in solution until near the end. In effect we have a solubility gradient. 7Hd/6

  • CK  Applications — DNA fingerprinting. (7Hd/7 - extension work)



Homework:  MK/SK - 7Hd/5

Resources:  SS58  7Hd/1 7Hd/5 7Hd/6 7Hd/7 filter paper, scissors, water — soluble inks, paper clips, glass rods, permanent markers.

Risk Assessment: safety glasses. Ethanol is flammable. Watch out for students trying to write on desks with permanent marker.