8C microbes - technicians lists

Lesson 1
Microscopes, light sources, slides in warm water, coverslips, mounted needles, beaker of activated yeast, boiling tube, bung and delivery tube, limewater.


Lesson 2
Bottle of beer, bread roll.
The following may not be needed this lesson

Be specific if you want all the ingredients pre-measured by technicians.  Bottle of beer, bread roll, flour(100g), large plastic beakers, mass balance, sugar(5g), easy blend bakers yeast,(3.5g)  thermometer, cooking oil, glass rods, plastic 100ml measuring cylinders, water bath.
conical flasks, bungs which fit, downward pointing delivery tubes, sugar, easy blend or dried yeast, mass balance.


Lesson 3
If you want all the ingredients pre-measured by technicians state quantities in brackets.   Flour (100g), large plastic beakers, mass balance, sugar(5g), easy blend bakers yeast, (3.5g) thermometer, cooking oil, glass rods, plastic 100ml measuring cylinders, water bath.
AND/OR conical flasks, bungs which fit, downward pointing delivery tubes, sugar, easy blend or dried yeast, mass balance.


Lesson 4 
Agar plates, sellotape, cotton wool buds, milk, natural yoghurt, 100ml beakers, water bath, glass rods, teaspoons, Exploring Science 8


Lesson 5
Laptops and transmitter.


Lesson 6
Yoghurt and agar plates from previous lessons.  Exploring Science 8.