UNIT TITLE: Environmental Chemistry | LESSONS | ||
Environmental Chemistry |
Lesson Title: Types of Soil |
Lesson outline: Horsforth Commentary :That there are different types of soil and that they have different characteristics.
Show pupils the 4 samples
of soil, brainstorm how the soils are different and how they are the
same, how can the differences be tested for. Push the pupils towards
the characteristics on sheet
Pupils to write down what a soil is from p86. Main course: Less able pupils may benefit from sheet 9Ga2 which reminds them about testing for pH. Other pupils to complete 9Ga1 using the samples of soil provided. The results are not as important as the comparison between the soils get the students to link in the table of best growth of plants on p87 as they work through, and also attempt to name which of the 3 types of soil (p86) the sample is.
Think about ways that a farmer could alter the pH of the soil to make it more productive for the crop he wishes to grow - lime added to cancel out acidic soils, peat (an acidic soil) added if soil too alkali. If time questions from the book or sheet 9Ga4.
Homework Suggestion: Look up biological and chemical weathering, was covered in year 8. Write in books an example of each. NEEDED FOR NEXT LESSON INTRODUCTION. Less able pupils can be given sheet 9Ga5.
Video Clips: |
Resources: Four of five different types of soil, universal indicator |
9Ga1 and
Risk Assessment:
Make sure it is soil you have in your hand, not anything similar in
appearance! |
Environmental Chemistry |
Lesson Title: Acid Rain |
NC Ref:
Lesson outline: Horsforth Commentary :How acid rain comes about, what produces the gases ad also how we can reduce the amount.
Go over the last lessons homework. Pick on chemical weathering, principally acid rain and discuss how naturally acidic rainwater becomes even more acidic (dissolved gases) and where these gases come from. Make sure pupils understand that the main gases, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are all in the atmosphere naturally (p89) as well as because of human activities. Good opportunity to reinforce the processes of respiration and photosynthesis.
Pupils to copy the fantastic picture and could complete 9Gb4 Once complete pupils to discuss in groups how acid rain could be reduced, lower ability pupils will need pointing in the right direction. Pupils to write there solutions in their books. Sheet 9Gb7 gives a good opportunity for graph drawing and comparison. Top Sets - Sheet 9Gb9 gives a good introduction to symbols and use in chemistry.
Bring lesson together and check that pupils have come to the correct conclusion of how to reduce the amount of acid rain, boardworks p6, 7, 8 and 9. As always questions in the book.
Homework Suggestion: If sheet 9Gb7 was given out - complete. For lower ability groups - how could they save energy to reduce acid rain.
Video Clips: |
Resources: None |
9Gb4 and
9Gb7 (9Gb9
for top sets)
Risk Assessment:
Acid rain poses a real risk to the environment around us, try cycling
into work one day, leading to improved fitness as well as being an
ecowarrior. No risks during the lesson. |
Environmental Chemistry |
Lesson Title: Measuring Air pollution |
NC Ref:
Lesson outline: Horsforth Commentary :How air pollution is measured
Discuss why air quality needs to be measured, how it is measured in the local area and what is measured.
Pupils to read through pages 92 and 93
All ability pupils can
complete 9Gc2 High ability pupils can complete 9Gc5
or discuss what is being done to protect the local environment.
Plenary: Discuss what the pupils have learnt. Brainstorm whether the problem is likely to improve developed countries reducing emissions versus developing countries (e.g. China) producing more emissions.
There is also a possibility of using a vehicle emissions testing kit for a new and old car though this is covered in Core Science in year 10. See a member of the department who teaches Core. (possible sc1)
Homework Suggestion: Higher ability - Research on news or internet a recent story about the environment e.g. G8 summit.
Video Clips: |
Resources: Possibility
of vehicle emissions testing kit |
9Gc2 ,
9Gc4 ,
Risk Assessment:
Never stand behind a car when its engine is running. Otherwise none.
Environmental Chemistry |
Lesson Title: Global Warming |
NC Ref:
Lesson outline: Horsforth Commentary :What is global warming, what causes it and how can it be stopped. It is worse remembering that global warming is a good thing keeping the Earth warm enough for us to inhabit it, it is only an increase in global warming which is bad.
Open the discussion saying that you think global warming is a good thing because you wont have to go to another country on your summer holiday. Invite the class to argue with you saying that it is a bad thing because... You might want to have some key words such as famine, draught and sea level on the board behind you for lower ability groups, they will probably heard of hose pipe bans. Try and get the pupils to tell you Carbon Dioxide is the main cause.
Pupils write down that larger use of fossil fuels coupled with deforestation (increase in population) will lead to an increase in carbon dioxide and therefore the green house effect. There is a diagram on p94 you may wish for them to have in their books. Write down in books the consequences of global warming, may want to do it as a child in year 2100. Get as many observations in as they can. Low ability groups could produce a poster on why it needs to be reduced. Low ability sheet 9Gd2 Medium ability sheet 9Gd3
High ability sheet
Quickly discuss that global warming is not the same as ozone layer depletion - common misconception. Discuss how we need to start making changes to our lifestyle for the benefit of future generations. Boardworks p10, 11
Homework Suggestion: Quick
test |
Video Clips: |
Resources: |
Risk Assessment:
None (the Thames Barrier will protect the capital, we live on a hill)