Unit No: 7Fb |
Lesson Title: Fizzy pop |
NC Ref:5-6 |
Objectives: MK- test for hydrogen; acids can be corrosive;
rust is an e.g. of metal corroding; words rust, corrode, hydrogen SK — hydrogen forms when acids react with metals; not all metals react with acid; rainwater is acidic; the difference between reactants and products; acid rain,
reactants, products |
Lesson outline: Starter question — What did we see last lesson when a piece of zinc was put in Hydrochloric acid?
Did it disappear? Gas given off? Discuss meaning of corrosion (only iron rusts — it is a particular meaning)
s Acids can be corrosive.
DEMO — how to collect gases, could use worksheet 7fb/1 PRAC then either use worksheet 7fb2 or pupils react magnesium, zinc and iron with sulphuric acid and test the gas with a lit splint. Clear up
Could get method and results put into books or
use the worksheets If finish then start work sheets 7Fb/4 or 7Fb/5 (for extenstion) OR use 7Fb/6 Plenary. get equation in book acid + metal --> hydrogen
Alternatively can use the purple box Qs on p68
and the yellow box summary.
Statements as part of plenary
session. |
Times 10
15 30
Resources: rusty nail Bunsen burners, heat proof mats, splints, test tubes, boiling tubes, magnesium, copper, tin, iron, zinc, aluminium, magnesium, dilute hydrochloric, sulphuric and nitric acids. |
All about hydrogen —
Risk Assessment: Goggles for all practical work and
care with bunsens |