Lesson No: 3 Unit Title: Simple Chemical Reactions
Lesson 2Lesson 4Lesson 5 

Unit No: 7Fc

Lesson Title: Fizz and chips

NC Ref:5-6


MK — how to use limewater to test for C02 production of CO2 is evidence of a reaction; carbon dioxide, limewater

SK— COz produced when an acid reacts with a carbonate; some egs of carbonates; how CO2 can be useful; carbonate

CK — some reactions occur when a compound heated; reactions can be represented by word equations; appearance and uses of a range of gases; some uses of limestone; calcium carbonate, calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, word equation


Lesson outline:                                                                                                       

    Recap of reactions of acid + metal. What was the test for hydrogen?

    Not the only reaction of a substance with an acid which gives a gas.

    What gases do we breath out? Includes carbon dioxide.

    Get each child (?) to blow through limewater to demo that it goes cloudy in

the presence of CO2.


DEMO how to set up what happens when acid is added to marble chips

   (calcium carbonate).                                                                                                         

   PRACTICAL — all children to try the same. They are to add limewater to the

gas collected and test it with a lighted splint (for H2) then limewater (for CO2).


Page 69 Exploring Science 7 — Read through the page, discuss, then answer                      

the purple box questions — use full sentences (gives notes in books).

Could copy the summary sentences from the yellow box. or use 7Fc/3


DEMO/quick practical to finish to test various rocks to see if they are

   carbonates — by dropping acid onto rock. Any rock that fizzes is a carbonate (could do this before writing).                      

   PRAC — use table from worksheet 7Fc/1


more able groups could spend an extra lesson making limewater set out p.147 teacher’s guide — 7Fc/2












Limewater, marble chips, dilute hydrochloric acid

For 7Fc/1 — marble chips, chalk, baking powder, indigestion remedies, chips of other rocks

e.g. granite, basalt, and wood and salt



Worksheet 7 FC/4, 7 FC/5

Risk Assessment:
Eye protection to be worn by all during demo and the practical